Adoption Adjustment Period

new adopter checklist
New Adopter Checklist
January 25, 2021
dog language
Reading Your Dog’s Body Language
January 25, 2021
new adopter checklist
New Adopter Checklist
January 25, 2021
dog language
Reading Your Dog’s Body Language
January 25, 2021
dog adoption adjustment period

The first 30 days after you adopt

In the first few days of your pets arrival, they will need to adjust to their new home. A family with clear groundwork set before the pet arrives will make the transition period easier for the dog.

Prepare for the the Big Day

A new dog may be under a lot of stress while transitioning to a new home, so having a set place where your pet will be spending most of their time is necessary. For easy clean-up, the kitchen is suggested.

If you wish to crate train your dog, make sure you set up the crate and have it ready to go before your dog’s arrival day.

Take preventative safety measures during the first few months:

  • tape loose electrical cords to baseboards
  • store household chemicals on high shelves
  • remove plants, rugs, and breakables
  • set up the crate
  • install baby gates

Train your dog and compile a list of vocabulary that will be used when giving your dog directions. Consistent commands will help your dog learn quicker.

Bring an ID tag with your phone number on it with you when you pick up your dog. If he is microchipped, register your contact information with the chip’s company.

Welcome Home Day!

Greetings! Give your dog a warm welcome by acclimating him to his new home environment and introduce him to new people. Be aware of your dogs signals, so he does not get overwhelmed.

  • Keep his feeding time the same during the first few weeks. Make sure to ask what he was fed so you can avoid stomach distress. If switching dog food, do so over a period of a week by weaning your dog off the old food. You can do this by adding one part of the new food to 3 parts old food over the source of several days.
  • Make sure your children know how to approach and interact with your dog without overwhelming him.
  • Be able to recognize your dog’s individual signals of distress.
  • Think about the trip home. Secure your dog in a crate for a less stressful trip home and consider purchasing a dog car seat-belt for extra safety.
  • When you arrive home, show him to the toileting area so he can quickly get used to being in that space.
  • Do not give in to whining when left alone. Do give your dog attention for good behavior, which includes chewing on a toy or resting quietly.
  • Your dog will be sensitive to new sounds upon the first few weeks of arrival. Keep a cool and collected demeanor around your dog, limit over excitement like dog parks or neighborhood children at this time.
  • Your dog will show you their likes and dislikes. Be observant.
  • If possible, consider the background info and foster information that may have been available. If your dog came from another home, know what objects the previous owners used to train with.

In The Weeks After Adoption

  • After a few weeks, pet owners tend to see their pets personality shine through. Be patient and understanding. Your dog is getting used to you, as you are to them.
  • Keep the schedule you intend to maintain: feeding, walks, etc.
  • Discuss with your veterinarian all the necessary vaccines that your dog needs.
  • You may think about taking your dog to dog training classes or the dog park to get your dog used to being around other dogs.
  • Pay attention to your dog’s body language closely and know what signs to watch out for, these are different for every dog.
  • If you encounter behavior issues you do not know how to handle, talk over your concerns with your veterinarian and ask for a trainer recommendation. Do research on trainer and select one that uses positive reinforcement techniques to help train your dog and overcome behavior obstacles.